We Don’t Waste

Saving Food * Protecting the Planet * Feeding People

Our Mission

We increase food access and protect the planet by rescuing and repurposing food, while educating and advocating to increase food security and decrease food waste.

SPEAKERS NAMEWEBSITEhttps://www.wedontwaste.org/

Our Vision

Food goes to people, not landfills, and is accessible to all.


Rather than sending food to the landfill, We Don’t Waste believes that good food should feed people. It’s a relatively simple concept, with a big impact! As our tagline notes…when we save food, we get to protect the planet and feed people!

History &

We Don’t Waste began in 2009 with one man, a vision, and a Volvo. Noticing how much good food was going to waste, founder Arlan Preblud decided to take it upon himself to deliver the excess to local food banks.

We Don’t Waste has grown into a full operation led by Arlan’s passion and vision. In 2023, we moved into an 30,000-square-foot Food Recovery Hub. With a fleet of refrigerated trucks (a special place for Volvo’s still in our heart) and a growing staff — our impact continues to grow across the Denver metro region.

We’re proud to lead initiatives where we can connect with our community personally and help food go further. Check out what we’re up to and learn about how you can get involved!

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